Kan'ichi Kuroda
Philosophy of Inter-Human Subjectivity
Contribution to the Study of Marx's Dialectic
as the Logic of Topos-Process

Edited by Kan'ichi Kuroda
Translated by Society for the Studies of Marx's Thought
3600yen, 316 pages,

Published by Kobushi Shobo


Preface to the English Edition
Translators' Note

Philosophy of Praxis
Ⅰ. The Core of Praxiological Materialism
 A. Praxis in the Theses on Feuerbach
 B. Praxiology, Historical Outlook , and Political Economy
 C. The Structure of Praxiology
Ⅱ. The Essence of Historical Materialism
 -On The German Ideology
 A. Present and Past in the Studies
 B. Historical Philosophy of Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse
 C. Historical Outlook Unrelated to Economics
Ⅲ. Marx's Theory of Alienation
 -On the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts
 A. Pitfall in the 'Theory of Versachlichung'
 B. On the Concepts of Objectification, Externalization, and Alienation
 C. Praxiology of the Young Marx

The Road to Praxiological Materialism
A. State Monopoly Capitalism and Workers
B. Self-Regeneration of Ourselves
C. Some Tendencies on Our Praxis
D. The Logic of Cognition
E. Our Self-Awareness in the Topos
F. The Dynamic Way of Thinking
G. The Horizon of Marx's Philosophy
 Appendix: The Three-Staged Epistemology Proposed by Taketani Mitsuo

Umemoto's Philosophy of Human Subjectivity
Ⅰ. Political Moments in Philosophical Inquiry
Ⅱ. Degeneration and Its Basis
Ⅲ. Legacies of Umemoto's Philosophy
 Appendix: TOPOS


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